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Butterfly effects – small insights with a big impact on your personal growth.

Have you ever had an insight in your life that changed everything? Which allowed you to speak of a 'before' and an 'after'? As if everything was in a new light? And how great was that?
Such an insight is reminiscent of a 'butterfly effect' to the phenomenon in nature in which a very small difference at the beginning can cause a very large effect in the long term. Edward Lorenz described this with the metaphor that moving the wings of a butterfly in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas.
How wonderful would it be if we could share our small and large butterfly effects and, in doing so, create new effects, or how you can create a big impact on your personal growth with small insights. 

Over the years, I have gathered many insights, which I am eager to share with you, in my blog or in my books 'How Was Your Day' and 'In Conversation with ChatGPT' (for now only available in Dutch)

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