Are you, like me, constantly in search of new insights, ways to enrich your life, to grow? As a bookworm, perpetual student, and philosophy of science enthusiast, I've gathered so many useful tips, life wisdoms, and tricks over the years that I decided to start sharing them. At the same time, my blog served as a practice medium because I felt – despite years of studying – not good enough to really come out with my own book.
Then came COVID-19... I missed the deeper conversations with my partner and decided to seek inspiration in my extensive library. The result was 'How Was Your Day', a book filled with psychological, creative, and philosophical techniques to enrich our conversations. When I sent my manuscript for publication, I dared not hope for a publisher to respond so enthusiastically and quickly. But sure enough, the book is now available in all bookstores (however only in Dutch), and I've received a lot of positive feedback from family, friends, and even the media.
That my dream suddenly became reality at sixty is no coincidence. I realized that over the years, I've taken several steps that have given my life a positive direction. Gradually, the understanding has grown that I don't have to remain unnoticed, but can admit that inspiring people is truly my passion. It's not just about book wisdom anymore, because I can now connect the dots that have helped me realize my dreams and share them with those who want to hear or read about them.